FLAVOR TEXT: Bomberman

An artificial life form created to perform menial labor one day becomes sentient and embarks on a journey to free themselves from their oppression. To do so, they must do the impossible: Escape to the surface world and become human. Only then will they be completely free. You may think to yourself: Why are we talking about the plot to 2018's Detroit: Become Human? And our response to you would be, oh no this isn't Quantic Dream's cinematic masterpiece...this is Bomberman, baby!

Image gallery from the episode: https://imgur.com/a/VL7yOt9.

Today's explosive lore dump is brought to you by Tommy, AKA "Whomstrodamus" in our Discord! Check out our Patreon page at patreon.com/debatethiscast if you want to commission your own FLAVOR TEXT for the one-time price of $50!

Image credit: TV Tokyo