Episode 73: Abraham Lincoln's Army of the Damned (ft. Eric Silver)

Last year, Supergiant blew the gaming world away with their near-perfect and also very thirsty roguelike, Hades. We certainly could have spent this time talking all about how the gameplay is expertly crafted to make you feel like every run is forward progress, or how the characters are all incredibly unique and likable in their own way, or how the music and sound design helps to build an engaging world that constantly makes you crave just...one...more...attempt.

Instead, we took the high road and pitched a fake DLC with sexy Jesus, a man with a 2x4 shoved down his pants, and a certain former president with a penchant for reanimating flesh.

Special thanks to our special guest, Eric Silver! Eric is the host and DM of Join The Party, a D&D real-play podcast. You can also find him streaming on Twitch under HouseBreakfast on Tuesdays and Thursdays at 6pm ET and Saturdays at noon ET, and he also lives on Twitter @El_Silvero.

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