Episode 52: Everything Changed After the Chili Wars

Too often we've witnessed countless whirlwind romances take flight atop the Empire State Building and have watched too many supervillains blow up the Golden Gate Bridge. It's time for other lesser-known American cities to get their time in the spotlight. And so the head engineers at Debate This! Games, Ltd. are designing some of the cities in which we've lived into the next greatest AAA video game. Yinz guys want to drive Crazy Taxi-style dahn the Parkway? How about an open-world RPG themed around independent chili vendors? And is Daytona Beach just its own version of a zombie apocalypse?

Debate This! is a dumb show where grown men yell at each other over video games and comics. Check out more of our incessant arguments at debatethiscast.com and keep the conversation going by following us on social media @debatethiscast.

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