FLAVOR TEXT: Console Wars

Before Xbox and Playstation were waging war in the 2000s, we were dealing with the console war version of the Assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand. The shot heard 'round the world was a simple phrase: "Sega does what Ninten-don't." We all remember the bold and edgy marketing that drew the line in the sand. Brother against brother, we all had to take a side in the console wars of the 90s, but that's not the whole picture of a story that starts years earlier. Join us today as Matt walks us through the earliest console wars in today's FLAVOR TEXT guranteed to hit you hard right in the nostalgia bone.

Special thanks to #buttthwompnation member "@MGrum54," who was kind enough to give us an excuse to break out the Nintendo light gun by commissioning this episode! If you want to commission your own FLAVOR TEXT, check out our Patreon page at patreon.com/debatethiscast.

Music for Debate This! is provided by composer Ozzed under a creative commons license. Check out more of their 8-bit bops at www.ozzed.net!

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FLAVOR TEXT: Bomberman

An artificial life form created to perform menial labor one day becomes sentient and embarks on a journey to free themselves from their oppression. To do so, they must do the impossible: Escape to the surface world and become human. Only then will they be completely free. You may think to yourself: Why are we talking about the plot to 2018's Detroit: Become Human? And our response to you would be, oh no this isn't Quantic Dream's cinematic masterpiece...this is Bomberman, baby!

Image gallery from the episode: https://imgur.com/a/VL7yOt9.

Today's explosive lore dump is brought to you by Tommy, AKA "Whomstrodamus" in our Discord! Check out our Patreon page at patreon.com/debatethiscast if you want to commission your own FLAVOR TEXT for the one-time price of $50!

Image credit: TV Tokyo

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Episode 78: We Live In A Shorts-ciety

Oh boy, here come those dang investors again. They just won't STOP asking us to pitch them new mashups of old videogames. And it's like their asks are getting more and more hacky and uninspired each time...like, this week they just screamed "Make NPCs a protagonist!" and then sat there, nearly frozen in place.

So we had no other choice than to pitch a series of titles diving in on extremely problematic premises like cryptocurrency, fast fashion, and the gig economy!

Interested in the new MCU content but can't wade through the sea of seemingly endless titles and spinoffs? Well fear no more dear listener, the crew at Debate This! is here for you with a weekly recap podcast breaking down every character and mysterious Easter eggs. Check out The Ploose Is Loose! on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, and other podcatcher apps.

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